
Visit of the Economic Development Ministry of Jalisco (SEDECO) in Aachen

On October 10 and 11, 2019 we had the honor of welcoming Sergio Rios, general director of investment attraction of the Economic Development Ministry of the state of Jalisco, in Aachen. On the first day of the event, several presentations took place at the FIR facilities. Among the presenters were Prof. Stich (Managing Director of […]

Workshop at Continental Automotive Guadalajara

On July 18 of this year, as part of the Engineering Week, we had the opportunity to conduct a workshop at Continental Automotive Guadalajara. The workshop, titled “Necessary competencies for the transformation towards Industrie 4.0 in the automotive industry”, was held by Roman Senderek, coordinator of the E-Mas program. The objective of the workshop was […]

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